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St. Michael Athletic Boosters

Virtus Training


Volunteers who have regular contact (more than three hours a month or more than once a month) with children are required by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to be SafeParish certified.

SafeParish is a online class and continuing education program to bring awareness to child abuse and the warning signs.  

For more information from the Archdiocese please click here.

Concussion Classes


Recommended for All Parents

The state of Ohio has recently passed a new law regarding youth sports and the effects of concussions. This new law extends personal liability to coaches, referees, and others who do not recognize and react to head injuries. It is a requirement for all coaches, referees, and recommended for all parents to perform a 30 minute online class on concussion prevention and recognition.

Please click here to complete this class.

Lindsay's Law


The State of Ohio passed a new law in 2017 concerning Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Youth Sports. It is a requirement for every coach, parent, and athlete to review an online video and an informational handout, and for the parent and athlete to sign and return a verification form to the coach of the team.

Information on this new law, including links to the videos, summaries, and verification form, can be found below.

Beginning this year for the 2017 fall season, and continuing each season thereafter, all players of any youth sport, at least one parent, and all coaches (head or assistant) must comply with OH Senate Bill 252 (Lindsay’s Law), concerning Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) in youth sports. Below are the requirements, and general information about the bill.

The requirements must be completed in order for your child to participate in his or her sport. The new law requires you to complete this for each sport your child plays. So if it is more than one sport, it must be done for each sport.

For players and at least one parent, the requirements are:

  1. Watch this required 16:31 video:
  2. Read the required Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Parent Informational handout (parent-guardian.pdf).
  3. Read and sign the required SCA Parent/Athlete Signature Form (parent-athlete-signature-form.pdf).
  4. Please inform your child's coach if:
    1. your child's biological parent, sibling, or child, has ever had a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA); or
    2. your child has ever fainted or passed out, before, during, or after an athletic activity (practice, scrimmage, or competitive play).
    The coaches are required to monitor this and prevent any child to whom it applies from participating until cleared. If either (i) or (ii) apply, your child must be evaluated by a healthcare professional, and the coach must receive that healthcare professional's written clearance of your child, prior to your child returning to activity.

Once you have completed the requirements, please return the signed form to your child's coach.

For all coaches, head and assistants, the requirements are:

  1. If you are also a parent of an athlete, complete the parent requirements above.
  2. Read the Required SCA Coaches' handout, (coach-info.pdf).
  3. Watch the Required Coaches' video, here:
  4. Collect the signature forms from all parents and return them to your sport's coordinator.

If you prefer, any parent or coach can access the information and required videos/forms at the Ohio Department of Health Website, linked here: There is further general information below, which is copied from that website. Thank you very much for your time on this new requirement.

Lindsay's Law: Sudden Cardiac Arrest in Youth Athletes

What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest?

A Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) occurs when the heart suddenly and unexpectedly stops beating, cutting off blood flow to the brain and other vital organs. Sudden cardiac arrest is fatal if not treated immediately, most often by a defibrillator.

Who is Lindsay?

Senate Bill 252 is named for national heart health advocate and former Miss Ohio Lindsay Davis who suffers from a heart condition and has since dedicated her career to raising awareness of this potentially fatal condition.

"Sudden cardiac arrest is the number one killer of student athletes," said Davis. "At any moment I could have died because coaches and teachers had no idea this was even a possibility for someone who looked as healthy as I did at that age."

Lindsay’s Law

Lindsay’s Law, Ohio Revised Code 3313.5310, 3707.58 and 3707.59 went into effect in 2017.

In accordance with this law, the Ohio Department of Health, the Ohio Department of Education, the Ohio High School Athletic Association, the Ohio Chapter of the American College of Cardiology and other stakeholders jointly developed guidelines and other relevant materials to inform and educate students and youth athletes participating in or desiring to participate in an athletic activity, their parents, and their coaches about the nature and warning signs of sudden cardiac arrest.

The following resources were developed to implement Lindsay’s Law:

For parents/guardians and youth athletes

For coaches:

  • If you are a coach for an interscholastic sport and are licensed by the Ohio Department of Education, please visit their website for information about their training requirements around Lindsay’s Law.
  • If you are a coach in a community program, please use the following resources:

ODH Contact Information

Ohio Department of Health
School Nursing Program
246 North High Street, 7th Floor
Columbus, OH 43215

Telephone: 614-466-1930

Email: [email protected]

If you have questions, please contact the booster President.

Contact Us

St Michael Church Athletic Boosters

11144 Spinner Ave 
Sharonville, Ohio 45241

Email Us: [email protected]
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