Saint Michael participates in the Soccer Association for Youth, USA (SAY Soccer).
The vision for SAY Soccer is to provide an opportunity for all youth to play recreational
soccer. The overall objective of SAY Soccer is maximum participation with even competition
at the various age levels.
St. Michael Soccer Practices - Spring 2025
St. Michael is planning to start soccer practices in March. Practices are Monday/Wednesdays or Tuesday/Thursdays at either the Kemper Sports Park, Sharonville Elementary or Gower Park.
St. Michael Soccer Coordinators
Greg Burwinkel, Doug Copper & Stephanie Ward
SAY Soccer Age Matrix
SAY Soccer has adopted the age matrix recommended by the US Soccer Federation.
The age matrix goes by calendar year, and your child will be put into age divisions for the 2025 calendar year as follows:
- 16U – born in 2009 or 2010
- 14U – born in 2011 or 2012
- 12U – born in 2013 or 2014
- 10U – born in 2015 or 2016
- 8U – born in 2017 or 2018 (cut-off date is 9/30/2019)
Player Draw
Players shall be assigned to teams in a manner that provides no intentional advantage to any one team over another. Teams will be randomly drawn for each age division and each team within an age division will have a balanced number of players of each age.
If you wish for your son or daughter to play-up a division, please send an email to [email protected]. Playing-up is approved by the Soccer Coordinators and is made on a case-by-case basis taking many factors into account including number of players per team.
**Referees Wanted**
Open to anybody 13 and older for calendar year 2025.
Yes this includes adults so form a team with your son or daughter!
Refereeing a Cincy Central SAY game is a fun way to make money and get a little exercise. Once you are trained, you decide which games you would like to referee so you are in control. Cincy Central SAY fully supports our referees and will assist you from training through to your games. Free training TBD.
If interested please email [email protected] for more details.
As always, please consider volunteering for a head coach, assistant coach, or a team parent position. If you prefer to coach with another volunteer, please send an email to [email protected] and we will do our best to honor the request. Having volunteers well in advance helps us to know how many kids we can accept on teams, avoids delays in forming teams, and allows us to have a pool of candidates to pick from.